Art Therapy
Therapy is a creative process.
It calls for exploring, noticing, giving yourself permission to imagine something new or different, and then creating something new or different for yourself. Art therapy, to me, is not centered around actively making art in therapy. Art therapy means using elements of the creative processes to enrich therapy. Creative practices and experiences have been part of individual and collective expression, connection, learning, change, and healing for lifetimes upon lifetimes. Art therapy recognizes the use of self expression, self-reflection, practice, imagination, creative thinking, and exploration as deeply valuable components of therapy and inherent aspects of creative processes.
You do not need to be “good at art”, consider yourself an artist, or believe you are creative to benefit from art therapy.
Art making is not a requirement. The amount and type of active art making (if any) we do in therapy will be based on what you find most helpful.
If you have questions about art therapy, I would be happy to discuss them with you during our phone consultation and in sessions.
If you missed “What Working Together Looks Like” at the bottom of my homepage please consider reading it through. It provides an overview of how I approach my work as a therapist, including art therapy.
Information about art therapy services
I offer art therapy for individuals 18 years of age and older. Services are currently only offered remotely/online.
Art therapy sessions are 50 minutes. Session rates are offered on a sliding scale ranging from $100 - $200.
I offer this range in hopes that those who can pay more (if you have more financial resources and/or less financial demands) will do so. The top half of the sliding scale covers difference for those paying the rates below $150.
If you would like to work together and are unable to afford the current sliding scale let me know. I will accommodate as I am able.
Absolutely no art experience is required to do art therapy. I have no expectations about if you choose to make art at all. My goal is to co-create sessions that feel supportive to you - art making or not.
Interested in working together?
Please visit Getting Started to set up your free phone consultation.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!